
About me

My name is Lisa-Marie and I am a 28 years old girl from Germany. I study scandinavian studies and (protestant) theology. I suffer from depression, luckily not the kind where I am sad all the time, but it really puts a lot of boundaries to my life. I want to share what I struggle with. But I am more than my depression so I want to show you my things. The things I like to do, the way I dress, how I decorate my home and other thoughts.
This blog is supposed to remind me of the good things in my life, while acknowledging the downsides as well.

I am trying to hold my household at bay. It's not something that comes natural to me. The addition depression doesn't make it any easier. So I follow the Flylady, who gives loads of tips and is a friend of rutines. I am working on that.

I am loved by God, which makes me quite strong and keeps me going. And man, I do love Him back loads as well.

An overview over some of my most popular posts:

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